Check out the cheapest CLOUD Hosting on the internet !!

Cloud hosting provides rock-solid reliability, Tier1 speeds, and 24x7 support at a price you can afford. Speed, reliability, and raw power: your web site on the cloud.


Cloud web hosting provides a an easy-to-use web hosting solutionfor personal and professional users alike. Enjoy the flexibility of bothUnix and Microsoft Windows hosting with the power and reliability web designers and developers demand.

U.S. Support

24x7 in-house phone support, live chat, and email support are included. All support specialists are located in Omnis Network’s office in Torrance, California. No outsourcing!

Linux Cloud

Cloud Web Hosting on the CentOS Linux Platform for the ultimate in reliability and performance, with the flexibility offered by PHP and Perl scripting languages for dynamic web site design, choose the Linux Cloud Web Hosting platform.

Windows Cloud

Cloud Web Hosting on the Windows Platform provides a stable Windows hosting platform for your ASP or .NET application.

Omnis eMail

High security enterprise-class email on the cloud. Create individual email addresses, unlimited email forwarders, and enjoy complete control over your cloud email service. Powerful anti-spam tools are included at no extra cost.

Tier 1 Network

Blazing fast loading times with multiple Tier1 fiber optic network connections via One Wilshire in Los Angeles, California, the most connected building on the west coast. Cisco networking for optimal reliability. Diverse DNS locations.

Easy Scripts

Install popular scripts easily and securely through the account management control panel. Have a WordPress blog, forum, image gallery, shopping cart, and more installed in seconds! Over 40 content management systems officially supported!


Place your blog on the ultra-velocity Omnis MySQL SSD RAID and experience the power of solid state! The Omnis SSD Raid includes RAID10 SSD storage, Dual Processor Quad-core Hyperthreaded Intel Xeon processors, and battery backups.
Check out the new ultra performant $5/month CLOUD HOSTING: